Chapter 5 – Part 14

Waterstuff by la Belette

The Forest Deep

Part 14

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As might be expected at the sight of so many bones and fragments, Menzo’s eyes widened in shock, his jaw going slack.

“What… Why? I… What?” Menzo faltered with confusion, his face twisting through a series of half-formed expressions in rapid succession.

“I’m afraid,” Yavan began, “that you are about to discover one of the lesser known and less savory secrets that many knights never learn of.”

Putting the cover back on the box after taking another better look at its contents, Yavan then moved towards rows of variously sized drawers where the many jars were stored and opened several, one by one, closing each before reaching for another. The waiting archer did not have to wait for long for precisions from his new mentor when Yavan sighed and turned back towards him.

“It is as I feared. This Mirrhe creature was not as beastly as I had originally understood him to be. Now I assume you already guessed, probably correctly, that he consumed the flesh that he… took… from the village. Yes?” He let Menzo nod, shifting uncomfortably before he carried on. “It turns out he was far more, how shall I say… industrious. I believe he used parts of the deceased to produce ingredients and what I can only describe as delicacies, and the amounts I find here lead me to believe that perhaps he sold them to other demons.”

Once more, Menzo was agape. “Sold?” he repeated.

“Unfortunately so,” the older man acknowledged.

“So… if we wait long enough…”

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